男性恐慌症患者其血管張力基因之一(ACE I/D, I allele)比起正常人較常出現
男性恐慌症患者其血管張力基因之一(ACE I/D, I allele)比起正常人較常出現
Angiotensin-related genes in patients with panic disorder.
Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2004; 127B(1):81-4 (ISSN: 1552-4841)
Olsson M; Annerbrink K; Westberg L; Melke J; Baghaei F; Rosmond R; Holm G; Andersch S; Allgulander C; Eriksson E
Department of Pharmacology, Göteborg University, Gothenburg, Sweden. marie.olsson@pharm.gu.se
Enhanced respiratory variability and decreased heart rate variability have repeatedly been observed in patients with panic disorder. Prompted by the notion that angiotensin may be involved in the control of respiration, heart rate variability, and anxiety-like behavior, we investigated the putative association between polymorphisms in three angiotensin-related genes and panic disorder-angiotensinogen (AGT), angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), and angiotensin II (ANG II) receptor type 1 (ATr1) in 72 patients with panic disorder and 504 controls. Allele and genotype distribution of the ATr1 A1166C allele and the AGT M235T did not differ between patients and controls. With respect to the ACE I/D polymorphism, the I allele was found to be more frequent in male (chi(2) = 8.042, df = 1, P = 0.005), but not female, panic disorder patients than in controls. The results of this investigation provide preliminary evidence for the suggestion that angiotensin-related genes may be associated with panic disorder in men.